Industrial Design and its Registration System in Nepal
Generally whenever we purchase the essential goods or articles for our daily life, some of them have the attractive appearance of design. Such a design will make an impression in the eyes of the observer and purchase it. The goods or articles with a particular design may sell better than one without design. So it will be profitable to use design to attract the consumer to increase sales. So regarding this type of design which is mostly attracted to the consumer can copy by other traders or not.
An Overview of Concept of Trademark in Nepal
In Nepalese historical development of trademark, in the ancient period, there was a profession to make pots and other essential tools by mud. They are using one type of sign, date or name, etc. It seems that they wanted to indicate such creation belongs to a particular person even those who are not protected by the state. So all the people are free to put sign, date, name on their creation and peoples can knowing that particular thing belongs to someone. Even we can be found that types of pots are in our village. But the state doesn’t introduce the laws related to the trademark as well as IP. So, individually peoples are wanted to show their products distinguish with others.